Good Afternoon Everyone,
Do you ever feel really busy? I've been thinking today about how busy I feel lately. A friend recently said "May is the new December" and we all agreed. However, June is pretty busy in itself. I was thinking how easily it is to get caught up in all the things of life and lose control of our time and priorities .
I was telling one of my closest friends last week. I feel spiritually drained. I have a lot going on. All good things. All things that are good Christian things to do. Things that are good for me and things that allow me to help others. Lots of great stuff.... but I feel drained. Do you know why? All of these things compiled together are keeping me from quiet time with my Savior. I get so busy doing "stuff" that when I have time to sit down and rest.... I sit there feeling like I should still be doing something else. I have forgotten how to just be still before my Savior.
Do you ever feel the same way? You are busy doing good things. You work hard, you do things for your church, you do things for your family, you do things for your friends. Maybe, you even do things for others in the community. All good and enjoyable things. Yet you feel tired and drained?
Are any of you like me... you are so busy doing all the right and important things.....that you are missing doing the most important thing? Are you spending enough time alone with your Savior? Are you seeking him more importantly than any of the other stuff you do?
My friends, it is so easy to get so caught up in doing that we quit just "being". We were made to "be" in his presence. We were made to seek him and spend quiet time in his presence. There is nothing wrong with doing things for God, or our families, or our friends. There is even nothing wrong with being busy. However, when it keeps us from spending daily quiet time in the presence of our Lord and Savior....we may need to examine our priorities. We were made for him and by him. He seeks daily alone time with us. We were made for his pleasure. We do not give him pleasure when we give all of our time to other matter how good. We are called to come into his presence daily and seek to know him on a very personal level. He seeks an intimate relationship with us. We need to spend time in the word. We need to spend time talking with him and sharing our heart. We need to spend time just being still before him in worship and adoration. Friends, we also need to just spend time listening to hear what he has to say to us.
If we don't get our time with him we cannot be all he called us to be. We cannot walk in our own strength and try to do all the things we all called to do. If we do can you guess what happens? We end up feeling spiritually drained. We end up weak and easily attacked by our adversary and by the world.
May we all take time this week to get into his presence. He is the renewer of of our hearts, minds and spirits.
I love you guys,
June 27, 2008
Do You Feel Busy???
Posted by Tammy Howard at 7:03 PM
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In a word: YES
I do feel busy, look at my most recent post and you'll see why. And, yes, I. Am. Drained. - not so much physically, but more mentally and emotionally.
My mom always says "this too shall pass." And, right now, I'm ready to just Be...... Probably won't happen in the month of July, but I'm ready.....and I'm going to try to make it happen, try to make it a priority.
Although I've been having a quiet time lately (to stay caught up on my bible study homework) I still need to see and understand who GOD says that I am, and know that He understands me. I need to quit worshipping at the false idols that I've created for myself and spend some time worshiping HIM. That way I can "fill up" so I can "pour out".
I'm totally with you and Shana on this. I keep trying to trim down my outside stuff, but as soon as one thing ends another rushes in and grabs that space. I guess that's why I'm up at 4:30 in the get it all done.
And I can so relate with the "all good things" part. Ken and I were talking about that last night. I so admire Tammy Hi. for guarding her time. She seems to do well with that. For ex. the bible study deal and TD. Sometimes, I think I'm afraid I will miss something. Like last night- the swimming party, we didn't go but I just knew I should have been there(I actually had guilt feelings about it-even last night). Tammy was sitting beside me when the list came around to sign up for food and had she not been there to say, "Terri, don't do it. You're going to be busy getting ready to leave". I probably would have just signed up and gone. Because God wanted me to? No, because in my world of false Gods, I had to do the right thing so I would appear a certain way. Is it the right thing? Not always. Those perceived "right things" steal time. Time that I can use to free up other time to spend with him. I really am learning to say "I'd love to, but I can't"(thanks MB, again). It's been a year long process and I'm still not there. Not even close. I love all you siestas(in the words of Beth Moore).
Great post!
Yes, I do agree!! I need more time with Him!! Thanks for the post it made me think!
Lacey H
Now, I may be getting better at saying no, but I don't have it all down yet. And, if it makes you feel any better, when I didn't go to bible study, I had a short pity party because I was afraid I was missing something. :) I guess it's all just a process.
Great post Tammy! You always make us think!
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